Privacy Policy BEINSTORE sas

Updated AUGUST 29, 2023

This Privacy Policy explains how information is collected, used and disclosed by our applications with respect to your access and use of our services through our mobile applications and website.

This Privacy Policy doesn’t apply to any third-party websites, services or applications that can be accessed through our services. By using Application, the Services or the Site, you consent to the privacy practices described in this Policy.


A.  Usage of collected information

1. Used by our applications

We use the information we collect to provide our services, to respond to inquiries, to personalize and improve our services and your experiences when you use our services, to monitor and analyze usage and trends of our services, to send you administrative messages regarding the operation and use of our services, and for any other purpose for which the information was collected.

2. Used by third party

We do not share your personal information with others except as indicated below.

  We may share information about you in anonymous and/or aggregated form with third parties for usage analytics (to help us better understand who is using our services and how), and for industry analysis, demographic profiling, research, and other similar purposes.

  Your information may be accessed and used by our service providers who are working with us in connection with the operation of our services.

  We may share information about you if we are (or if we believe we are) required by law or legal process (such as a subpoena, warrant or court order).


B. Collected Information

1. Manually

  Information referred when you login such as user name, email address, etc.

  Information referred when you sending feedback or writing email to contact us.

  Information referred when you participate our survey such as profile information and the other information you provide.

2. Automatically

  Our servers (which may be hosted by a third party service provider) may collect information from you, including but not limited to: the IP address, device information, and location of your device or computer.

  We use “cookies” to collect this information, which allows us to identify your browser and to improve your use of our services when you access our website.

3. Information collected by applications in our app

You information may be collected by applications, games, ads providers (or other services providers) in our app and you should know that this privacy policy doesn’t apply to them. Please read the privacy policy provided by those services providers before you make the decisions to use them or provide your personal information.





C. Application

1.Our Privacy Policy applies to all of the services offered by product with this privacy policy, and its affiliates, including services offered on other sites (such as our advertising services), but excludes services that have separate privacy policies that do not incorporate this Privacy Policy.

2. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to services offered by other companies or individuals, including products or sites that may be displayed to you through the browser, or other sites linked from our services.

3. Our Privacy Policy does not cover the information practices of other companies and organizations who advertise our services, and who may use cookies, pixel tags and other technologies to serve and offer relevant ads.


D. Changes to the privacy policy

This Privacy Policy will be periodically revised and may be changed with or without notice. The updated Privacy Policy will be posted once it’s updated. By using or continuing to use the Services you agree to review the Privacy Policy periodically such that you are aware of any modifications.


E. Questions about the privacy policy

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please send an e-mail to the address provided in the app description page.